Week 3

I have come out with a new idea 

So I would like to do about "elderly spirit sustenance center"

Basically, here provides wedding photo shooting, group activities, message keeping, and giving and has a nostalgia museum for the elderly to display or visit like back to the old time. 

Here will be a place for them to keep active and spend time.
Because most of the elder people do not have their own children to accompany with,
so here do have many activities for them to do. 
Also, have an area for them to write the letter, like spirit sustenance for them to speak out their mind.
If the elderly allows, their children may read their parents' mind from the letters. 
Here gives the elderly a platform to express and memory. 

Design Proposition for this week.

FORUM 03: Ideas are made by combining 2 or 3 words, basically. Kindly use this methods for this ideation process. You may sketch with visuals and words. As we all know that when we go to do our shopping in the supermarket, we need a device  (basket, trolley,  grocery bag etc.) to put in our stuffs and manoeuvre our way around the aisle. Illustrate and visual what are the common issues that we face and sketch out how we can improve the shopping experience better. You may create a new system or a product for this task. You may add a statement to support your idea(s). Thank you.

Basically, the trolley we use is big and the width quite big, so it blocks the aisle in the middle while customer choosing their item. Even though do have 2 layers, but have t place the basket by the customer themsleves. So now I would like to make the width smaller and separate it into 3 boxes to put the purchase items.
